Inspiration / Empowerment

Once Upon a Tide - Fabulous!

David Suzuki Foundation’s video and request for letter writing re. Canada’s Pacific North Coast and the need for protection (Dec 2008)

Why we must act with precaution re. climate change

Cute video featuring a wombat telling us the facts about our planet Earth.

Wonder Water Web -  Short motivational video on the importance of the ocean 

Importance of pollinators and why they are in trouble (includes impact of pesticides) from Hinterland’s Who’s Who (Canadian)

The Story of Stuff - incredibly good for gaining understanding about the impacts of our consumer choices.

Live Cameras

Race Rock (Southern Vancouver Island) live camera feeds and you can control them.

Live eagles’ nest camera.

Live beluga camera at the Vancouver Aquarium. 

Live sea otter camera at the Vancouver Aquarium.

Live N. elephant seal camera in California. Click on the link “HD Sealcam" in the lower left-hand corner of the webpage.

Monterey Bay Aquarium’s many live cameras.  Includes a live kelp forest camera and otter cameras.

Marine Mammal Video & Movies

Video of the birth of a beluga whale calf on January 7th, 2009 at the Vancouver Aquarium.

Slideshow highlighting the astounding biodiversity of our area.

BBC footage of birds feeding on small schooling fish and then a humpback whale lunge feeding through the mass.

Humpback males fighting during mating season (BBC footage).

Astounding footage of the feeding tactics and training of one of the 3 types of orca in Antarctica! Watch their learned culture of washing seals off ice - they turn the ice, coordinate, collectively create a wave and train their young. Footage here too from the “Frozen Planet”.

Penguin escapes killer whales (Antarctica). Two minute version (annoying music). Five minute version (3 more minutes of annoying music).

Transient killer whales attack sea lion near Campbell River.

BBC footage of transient killer whales attacking a Steller sea lion - some may find this difficult to watch. Know the killer whales are not “bad” it is their job in nature to eat marine mammals and they have to attack the sea lion in a way that they are not likely to get bitten by the sea lions big teeth.

Pictures and video of what is believed to be the first Northern elephant seal born on Race Rocks, Southern Vancouver Island BC, CANADA (Jan 30th, 2009)

Video of humpback whales bubble-net feeding.

Video of competition between humpback males.\

Humpback video from The Whale Trust - includes a calf playing and a breach.

Video of Minke whale breaching

Video showing the problems of marine debris and entanglement specifically for Steller sea lions.

Video and article of a Minke’s adapted feeding behaviour as a result of         having been entangled.

Sea otters hold hands at Vancouver Aquarium. Note that Nayak has since passed away. 

“Daisy” the baby harbour porpoise rescued by Vancouver Aquarium (2008).

Whales in Crisis” - 1 hr long National Geographic movie; includes the possible impacts of military sonar on cetaceans (interviews with Ken Balcomb when military sonar used in Puget Sound in 2003).

BBC footage of transient killer whales hunting - includes footage of transients hunting a grey whale calf off the coast of California. Note please that the commentary perpetuates the demonization of killer whales.

National Geographic movie (53 minutes) on killer whales - residents and transients.  Addresses the threats of reduced food supply and bioaccumulation.

Flip Nicklin interview explaining humpback song and studies in Hawaii.

Footage of a deep diving sperm whale taken from a remote operated vehicle on March 6th, 2006. More sperm whale footage from the Ocean Channel

Sperm whale video of depredation (taking fish off a long-line)

Video showing the work of Dr. Andrew Trites and his team in their research to find out why the Steller sea lions in the Western Aleutians (Alaska) are in trouble.

Race Rocks (BC) video archive     

Marine Invertebrate & Fish Video

Once Upon a Tide - Fabulous!

Race Rocks (BC) video archive

Animation of how tides work.

Another animation of how tides work.  - fantastic resource for all kinds of invertebrate videos.  Just type in the name of the species you want to find video.  A couple of my favourites are the footage of the octopus and shark interaction and the clam escape response to a sea star and the octopus squeezing through a tight space (you have got to see this!)  

Fantastic video of how well octopus can camouflage.  Not "our" species of octopus but the Giant Pacific octopus is as capable of "hiding in plain sight" as this species is.

Great video clip on bioluminescence and on “amazing cephalopods” - my favourite part is the octopus camouflaging near the end of the clip. - Go to "creatures" to see some wonderful clips of the Giant Pacific Octopus; Wolf Fish and a nudibranch species. - video of six gill sharks near Hornby Island - view a tropical octopus species with a neat trick to escape predators. It lifts up six of their arms and walk backward on the other two. - go to video gallery. All video from BC other than that of the stingray. - live kelp cam at Monterey Aquarium  animated tour under the Pacific Ocean, click images or links.  - virtual dive in Great Barrier Reef  - virtual dive in a kelp forest near Monterey    

Plankton Video & Movies

Fabulous TED video tracing the life cycle of an urchin making clear what zooplankton is (be of of asexual or sexual origin). Plankton = organisms that drift.