Sperm Whale

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessment. https://wildlife-species.canada.ca/species-risk-registry/species/speciesDetails_e.cfm?sid=362 

BC Cetacean Sightings Network species information http://wildwhales.org/speciesid/whales/sperm-whale/

“The Marine Detective” item on natural history of sperm whales - “Sperm Whales - Magnificent and Misunderstood”

Sperm whale natural history and sounds

Daily Mail, February 8, 2012; “How plastic bags are poisoning the planet’s greatest predators: 65 ft long sperm whales are being killed by human pollution”

Sperm whale information from Royal BC Museum

American Cetacean Society information (see link on left) http://acsonline.org/education/fact-sheets/

Voices of the Sea  website where you can hear the sounds of sperm whales, see the spectrogram of their sounds, see video clips and learn cool facts from scientists! Click on the sperm whale. 

Sound sample of “codas” (directional clicks) - from “Discovery of Sound in the Sea

Articles about ambergris:

  1. “The Marine Detective” blog posting on ambergris.

  2. “Strange but True: Whale Waste is Extremely Valuable”

  3. Ambergris update

  4. “Floating Gold: The Romance of Ambergris”


  1. Full episode of Inside Nature’s Giants - necropsy of a Sperm Whale.

  2. Footage of a deep diving sperm whale taken from a remote operated vehicle on March 6th, 2006. 

  3. More sperm whale footage from the Ocean Channel

  4. Sperm whale video of depredation (taking fish off a long-line) and extended version.

  5. Further information on depredation https://scripps.ucsd.edu/search/site/depredation