Dall’s Porpoise

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessment.  https://wildlife-species.canada.ca/species-risk-registry/species/speciesDetails_e.cfm?sid=327

BC Cetacean Sightings Network species information http://wildwhales.org/speciesid/dolphins-and-porpoises/dalls-porpoise/

Species information by the Hakai Institute “Central Coast Biodiversity” http://www.centralcoastbiodiversity.org/marine-mammals.html. Also see the links they provide.

DFO publication: Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises of British Columbia, Canada - http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/241969.pdf

Rare fungal disease in porpoises

American Cetacean Society page - https://www.acsonline.org/dalls-porpoise?

http://www.killerwhale.ca/animals-dalls.html - Information from Environment Canada

American Cetacean Society information (see link on left) http://acsonline.org/education/fact-sheets/

Voices of the Sea - Click on the porpoise and then click on the Dalls porpoise at the bottom of the page.

www.whaleresearch.com/thecenter/Encounters_2008_007.html - amazing photos capture the attack of transient killer whales on a harbour seal and a Dall's porpoise. 

Study on mate-guarding in Dall’s porpoise http://wildwhales.org/2013/05/dalls-porpoises-display-rare-strategy/

Carla Crossman’s research on hybrid Dalls porpoise / harbour porpoise which suggests that hybridization is far more common than thought and that the hybrids are also a result of a Dalls porpoise father and harbour porpoise mother!

Article on a pregnant female hybrid Dalls porpoise / harbour porpoise (May 2011). Photos from the necropsy.

See information from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.

http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/dallsPorpoise/dalls-porpoise.pdf - excellent. Not a Canadian page

http://www.vanaqua.org/education/aquafacts/dolphins.html - Aquafacts from the

"Smart Gear" =  net technology to reduce chance of entanglement of small cetaceans.

http://www.wdcs.org/dan/publishing.nsf/allweb/A59B71D6C8A9EB17802568F800443577 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society's species information. Not a Canadian page

http://www.wdcs.org/dan/publishing.nsf/allweb/A59B71D6C8A9EB17802568F800443577 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society's species information.  Click "porpoise." Not a Canadian page

http://nlbif.eti.uva.nl/bis/marine_mammals.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=122 - lots of detail about identification some information about  behaviour and threats. Not a Canadian page

http://www.cetacea.org/dalls.htm - Site is currently down.  Will be up again in the summer of 2007.  Especially valuable for its "influence of man" section 

http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jaap/dalls.htm Not a Canadian page

Pacific Wildlife Foundation’s species information.  Be sure you click all the tabs e.g. "distribution."

http://www.dosits.org/animals/intro.htm - study how marine mammals make sound and how sound effects them.

http://www.ngo.grida.no/wwfap/whalewatching/whales_porpoises_dalls.shtml - see "conservation concerns" Not a Canadian page

http://www.answers.com/topic/dall-s-porpoise Not a Canadian page

http://www.cms.int/reports/small_cetaceans/data/P_dalli/p_dalli.htm - this is a report by the Convention on Migratory Species looking at the threats to small cetaceans internationally.  See the bottom of the document for threats.  Not a Canadian page

http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Phocoenoides_dalli.html  Not a Canadian page

http://www.cms.int/reports/small_cetaceans/data/P_dalli/p_dalli.htm Not a Canadian page

www.oceanlink.island.net - Bamfield Research Station’s detailed marine biology page search for your species

http://www.vanaqua.org/education/aquafacts/ - Vancouver Aquarium’s web data base of frequently asked questions about marine ecosystems; click "Dolphins and Porpoises"

http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/intermediate.asp?curGroupID=5 - Click "marine mammals" and do a search for your animal. Excellent on-line field guides Not a Canadian page

www.racerocks.com/racerock/marmam/mammals.htm and http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/archivemammals.htm
- involvement of Lester B. Pearson School in a fantastic marine mammal project.  Search the site at http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/web/sitemap.htm

http://www.whalesongs.org/cetacean/home.html - natural history of cetaceans Not a Canadian page

http://netvet.wustl.edu/marine.htm  - net vet marine mammals; search links for information that may be relevant to your species Not a Canadian page